Fruity Lemonade Rose Slushies
July 17, 2020 by Nicole Collins It's cocktail time! You guys remember when all of this quarantine business started how I told you about...

Hot Chocolate Floats
December 22, 2019 by Nicole Collins It's Day 10 in our 12 Days of Beverages challenge! Can you believe it? Only 2 days left! We've made...

Pineapple Mint Green Tea
July 2, 2019 by Nicole Collins Remember that time I kept an herb garden alive for 10 days? Well, guess what? We’re at 24 days and...

Herb Laminated Pasta
October 31, 2018 by Nicole Collins TODAY IS THE DAY!!!!!!!!!!! It’s here. It’s finally here! The Yummy Muffin goes international TODAY!...