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Creamy Greek Feta Dressing

Creamy Greek Feta Dressing- A rich and tangy homemade salad dressing loaded with savory feta cheese.

March 7, 2022 by Nicole Collins

Do you have a favorite chore?

I know that feels like a trick question. Does anyone really like doing chores? But you all know there are those chores that we actually secretly enjoy.

For me, it’s grocery shopping. I absolutely LOVE grocery shopping. The grocery store is 100% my happy place. I like to go first thing in the morning when the store first opens before everyone else wakes up and while the store is still shiny and fresh. But, there is one fan favorite grocery store that I absolutely loathe. Trader Joes.

I know that TJ’s has a major cult following, but I can’t stand going there. The store is way too chaotic for me. There are way too many people in way too small of a space at all times. There is no natural flow or rhyme and reason to their product placement (at least not that I’ve figured out). And, the closest one to me is the only store in a 30 mile radius. So, it’s always hopping. Just because I hate going there doesn’t mean that I hate what they’re selling though. In fact, I have a couple items there that I will brave the wild just to go get, but I’ll only go every few months. It takes lots of mental preparation, but you can’t help what you love.

In between trips, today’s recipe helps to hold me over. It’s a copycat of one of my favorite TJ’s products. Today, we’re making Creamy Greek Feta Dressing!

This dressing is vegetable’s new best friend. With just a handful of ingredients and a mini food processor, we have a rich, creamy, savory dressing loaded with feta cheese and bursting with fresh Mediterranean flavor. So, let’s get to it!

There’s really not much to do when it comes to this recipe. We’re going to throw everything in a food processor, hit the button, and the recipe is complete. Easy breezy. But, what makes this dressing special is all of the thoughtfully gathered ingredients that get thrown into that food processor.

For the creamy components in this dressing, we’re going to use some buttermilk, some sour cream, and some savory feta cheese. Feta cheese is, without a doubt, my favorite cheese. But the strong, acidic smell or salty taste can sometimes turn people off from feta. To balance out those strong properties, we’re going to use the creamy tang of both sour cream and buttermilk to mellow this aggressive cheese.

To add a totally different kind of tang and acidity to this dressing, we’re going to add some red wine vinegar and lemon juice to the party. The red wine vinegar gives us a robust and zippy acidic kiss while the lemon gives us sweet and sour acidity. It may seem like overkill to use both, but trust me. This dressing is all about the balancing act.

To flavor our dressing, we’re going to use a Greek seasoning blend, some fresh garlic, and good ol’ salt and pepper. Greek seasoning is one of those “big bang for your buck” type ingredients, because you get a whole bunch of herbs like oregano, marjoram, mint, parsley, and more all in one little jar. This herby touch adds a nice pop of freshness to compliment all of the other tangy flavors happening in this dip.

When you’re ready to serve, this dressing will be on the thinner side at first. But if you give it some time to hang in the fridge first, it thickens up perfectly to a creamy, dreamy masterpiece. And bonus, this will keep in the fridge for about a week; and it’s definitely one of those “the longer it sets the better it gets” type of recipes. Whether you’re using this creamy sauce as intended like a salad dressing or serving it as a dip for your veggies, your tastebuds are going to sing. Between the creamy notes, the tangy notes, the savory notes, and the herby notes; this dressing has a full orchestra just waiting in the wings!

You guys are gonna love this one. I can’t wait to hear what you think!

I hope you enjoy. And, let’s eat!


Creamy Greek Feta Dressing

Serves: 1 ½ cups Print


  • ¼ cup + 2 tbsp buttermilk (I used reduced fat)

  • ¼ cup sour cream

  • 4 oz feta cheese, crumbled

  • 1 tbsp olive oil

  • 1 tbsp lemon juice

  • 1 tbsp red wine vinegar

  • 1 tbsp Greek seasoning

  • 2 garlic cloves, chopped

  • ½ tsp salt

  • ¼ tsp pepper


  1. Add all ingredients to a small food processor or blender. Process until smooth and creamy. Enjoy!

Recipe notes:

*This dressing can be stored in the fridge for up to a week.

*The consistency of this dressing will thicken as it chills. I actually prefer it after it's been chilled for a bit!

*This is my go to Ninja mini food processor for all dressings.

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