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PB&J French Toast Sandwich

March 14, 2020 by Nicole Collins

Can we take a moment today to talk about one of my favorite things ever?

Peanut Butter!

I’ve told you guys before that I have a house full of peanut butter lovers, and I am the leader of the pack. I can’t even reach into the back of my pantry without Bisco losing his little mind, because he knows that’s where mama keeps the good stuff.

I’m a member of this online supper club, and I recently posed a question to them about pairing avocado and peanut butter together after reading that this is a fairly popular combo. So in the spirit of research, I was nominated to test out this odd food combo. And honestly, it was fine. I wasn’t disgusted, but I wasn’t enamored. It just tasted like avocado and peanut butter on a piece of toast.

But, now I can check tasting that off of my list.

As a side note, it was National Peanut Butter Day a few weeks ago; and if you guys follow me on Instagram (which you totally should), you know I like to post pics to coordinate with what food day it is. So, as I was looking through my peanut butter recipes, I noticed pretty much all of them were for the doggies!

Now, that doesn’t mean that I love peanut butter any less than I say I do. It just means that I’m perfectly content eating it straight from the jar. It’s no coincidence that I keep 4 kinds of peanut butter in my desk at work!

So today, the humans get a peanut butter recipe. Sorry, doggos!

Today, we’re making PB&J French Toast Sandwiches!

This was one of those recipe ideas that came to me out of nowhere while staring at my kitchen one morning wondering what it was going to give me to eat. And, sometimes those surprise recipes are the best ones.

We’re going to start by making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. No matter what your skill level of cooking is, everyone can make a pb&j sammie! EVERYONE! Once you make it past this step, you’re halfway there!

Step 2 is to whip up a quick French toast batter with egg, cream, and a pinch of cinnamon for dipping our sammies. Drop the sandwiches in the batter for a few seconds, then get them in a hot pan coated in melted butter. Toast them until golden, and that’s it!

To serve, we’re going to give our sammies a sprinkle of powdered sugar, for good measure. And then, if you’re feeling really ambitious like me, we’re going to top our sammies with a gooey fried egg.

Now egg and peanut butter might sound as awkward as avocado and peanut butter, but you have to trust me on this one. The rich egg yolk coupled with the rich and creamy peanut butter creates this luxurious experience. All the while, the sweet jam is right there to cut through some of that heaviness making a uniquely delicious bite. With or without the egg, this brekkie sandwich is a home run!

Ok, everyone. I’ve got a few more peanut butter ideas that I’m working through in my mind, so I hope to have lots to share on the next National Peanut Butter Day.

But for now, enjoy! And, let’s eat!


PB&J French Toast Sandwich

Serves: 2 Print


  • 4 slices bread (I used whole wheat)

  • 2 heaping tbsp peanut butter

  • 1 heaping tbsp strawberry preserves

  • 1 tbsp unsalted butter

  • 2 eggs

  • ¼ cup heavy cream

  • ½ tsp vanilla extract

  • 1/8 tsp ground cinnamon

  • salt, to taste

  • 2 fried eggs, for serving

  • powdered sugar, for serving


  1. Make the PB&J Sandwich: Spread about 1 tbsp peanut butter, crust to crust, over one slice of bread. Swirl about ½ tbsp strawberry preserves into the peanut butter. Repeat with remaining bread, peanut butter, and preserves. Set aside.

  2. In a wide, shallow bowl, add heavy cream, eggs, salt, cinnamon, and vanilla. Whisk well to combine, making sure to break up the egg whites completely.

  3. Take one sandwich, and dip both sides in the egg custard mix until completely covered in egg, a few seconds per side. Transfer to a plate, and repeat with remaining sandwich.

  4. Melt butter over medium heat in a large nonstick skillet. Add sandwiches to the skillet, making sure not to crowd each other. Cook for 3-4 mins until the bottoms are golden brown. Flip, and cook for an additional 3-4 mins until the other side is golden brown. Dust with powdered sugar, and top with a fried egg, if desired. Serve immediately!

Recipe notes:

*The fried egg is totally optional for this recipe. But, I think I love this sandwich equally with and without it. You can't go wrong with a gooey yolk.

*If you don't have a skillet large enough to fit both sandwiches at one time, that's ok. You can cook them one at a time. You'll just need to split the butter between batches. And, keep in mind the second sandwich will probably cook faster than the first since the pan will be screaming hot.

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